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hybrid fiber coaxial中文是什么意思

用"hybrid fiber coaxial"造句"hybrid fiber coaxial"怎么读"hybrid fiber coaxial" in a sentence


  • 光纤同轴混合网络
  • 混合光纤/同轴电缆网络


  • Hfc hybrid fiber coaxial
  • Hpa hybrid fiber coaxial
  • Hybrid fiber coaxial
  • Hybrid fiber coaxial hf
  • The existing hybrid fiber coaxial television network is a desirable solution to broad - band access system for it can provide rapid , flexible and economic access to the ever increasing new services
    由于现有的混合光纤同轴电缆( hfc )网络有能力提供快速、灵活、经济的接入服务,将其作为宽带接入的方案一直就被人们所看好。
  • With the rapid growth of internet , the demand for network service has gone up quickly . to meet the increasing demands of our local people , we have built a broadband man ( metropolitan - area networks ) in changsha city . this network makes up of gsr ( gigabit switch router ) , l3 ( layer three switch ) , bas ( broadband access server ) , l2 ( layer two switch ) , dslam ( digital subscriber line access multiplexer ) and hfc ( hybrid fiber coaxial )
    本文在长沙宽带城域网现行gsr (吉比特交换路由器) ( l3 (三层交换机) bas (宽带接入服务器) ( l2 (二层交换机) dslam (数字用户线接入) hfc (混合光纤同轴技术) )组网方案和长沙电信已有业务平台的基础上,设计了长沙宽带城域网用户综合管理系统。
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